Wednesday, September 28, 2011

OK, So Here's the Obligtory Intro Blog Post

I’m calling this blog My Cultural Obsessions because I am obsessed with pop culture.  When I look through the history book of my life, it shows a string of interests that I become infatuated with for a period of time.  Some of these obsessions fall out of favor, but they have already become a part of the fabric of who I am.   This blog is dedicated to my current obsessions and remembering the past obsessions that have made me the person I am today.

Your Cast of Characters: 
Drew: I am your tour guide through the pop culture objects that I enjoy.
MyMissy:  My fiancée, a big proponent of the “more boobs and explosions” theory of movies.
The Teenager: My soon-to-be-step-daughter.  A college student who wishes to remain anonymous at this time.
The Big Girl: My middle daughter, a precocious fourth grader
The Little Girl:  My youngest daughter, an ornery kindergartener.
I don’t know how often I’ll be referencing my family at this point, but here they are.

Subject Matter:
Cheep/Free Computer Games—  I spend way too much time playing Facebook games and other free Flash games.  I would like to do mini-reviews of a lot of them, and maxi-reviews of the ones I really like.
Collections/Collecting—  You name it; I probably collected it at one time or another.  A lot of these posts will be retro stories as I am in the process of simplifying my life, not adding more collections.
Fiction—  One of the major elements to this blog will be posting short stories and perhaps excerpts from my novel as I continue to obsessively edit.  I need to get these things out in the world so I can quit obsessing over them.
Television—  MyMissy and I DVR about 30 hours of television a week.  I’ll be discussing my favorite shows and doing reviews from time to time.
Professional Wrestling—  Don’t judge me.  I’ve loved wrastlin’ since I was 5 years old.  At this point I think I have some interesting takes on the subject I will share occasionally.
Podcasts--  There are around 20 podcasts I listen to regularly.  I am months behind on them, so don’t expect any current links, but I’ll talk about my favorites and tidbits I pick up from them.
Trivia--  I would like to know a little bit about everything.  Not enough to become an expert, but I’d like to be able to have a conversation with someone about any topic.  So there will always be an element of randomness to this blog.  I intend to call it “The World is a Fascinating Place.”
Politics—You’ll see links to Dan Savage, Rachel Maddow, and other progressives in this blog, although I don’t know how much I will write about it.  I’m trying to keep this blog as a mostly positive space.
Teaching--  I teach high school English in an urban public school in Muncie, Indiana.  I have lots of strong opinions about the state of public education in the nation and especially this state.   Again, there is not a lot of positivity for me in this topic, so I doubt I’ll write too much in this vein.
Atheism/Skepticism—Another major part of my personality that I probably won’t explore too much is my atheism.  I will talk more about the fact that I am a skeptic.   The stupidity and lies that are propagated on the internet are endlessly fascinating to me.
Blogs/Websites--  There are about 20 websites and blogs I look at regularly.  I’ll certainly be linking to and talking about them quite a bit.
Books/Movies--  I don't read as much as I'd like and I don't watch a ton of movies; but I love to and will talk about them when I get the chance.

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