Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Falling Skies SEason 2 Ep 3 Recap and Review

Falling Skies S2 Ep3: Compass

The story so far:  
Last season Tom was taken on the spaceship.  When he returned not everyone trusted him, including himself.  His boys have grown up and grown apart in his absence.  Tom brought back a parasite from the spaceship, but it escaped and disappeared into the eye socket of a Skitter, Red-eye.

Ben and Jimmy are out sniping Skitters.   Tom and Captain Weaver discuss their next move.  Weaver wants to hide out in the Catskills for the winter; Tom wants to continue the fight. 
Leave or die
                Pope and the Berserkers (minus Anthony) kidnap Tom and take him out in the woods.  Pope tells Tom he needs to leave or die.  Ben and Jimmy attack and disarm Pope and the Berserkers.  Weaver wants to kick out Pope but Tom argues for them to stay, and is assigned to the Berserker group.  Somehow I doubt this will end with a show of mutual respect.

Bad day for Jimmy
                Ben and Jimmy are out sniping again.  The first two go down with no trouble, but the third is Red-eye.  He smashes Jimmy into a tree, and then paralyzes Ben somehow with the remnants of the harness on his back.  Red-eye leaves rather than killing Ben, but Jimmy is impaled on the tree.  That is not good.  Ben gets Jimmy to the Doc and she goes to work on him.  With the fit that Weaver throws in his tent, I was reminded how close he and Jimmy were in the first few episodes of the show. 
                The Berserkers go to the kill site and Tom finds Jimmy’s compass.  Tom also overrides Pope’s authority, and he’s right, of course.  Surprise, surprise, surprise.  Ben is acting all surly and talks back to Hal.  Tom gives Ben Jimmy’s compass.  An airplane arrives, and with an overdramatic reveal…the pilot is a girl!  J    Avery Churchill tells the 2nd Mass about the new government and resistance that has formed in Charleston.  Tom wants to head that way, but Weaver thinks it might be a pipe dream. 
                In a truly shocking moment, Jimmy dies.  Quietly, with no big dramatic moment.  I kept waiting for a hero save, but none came.  Weaver digs Jimmy’s grave by himself.  As Ben dresses Jimmy’s body for a funeral, he notices that his compass is missing.  Tom finds Jimmy’s compass around Pope’s neck.  When Pope refuses to take it off, Tom beats the holy hell out of him.  I did not expect the alpha dog problem to be solved so quickly and so definitively.  Pope is thrown out of the 2nd Mass, when the rest of the crew refuses to leave with him, Anthony leaves with Pope—ostensibly to keep an eye on him.
                Tom meets with Doc in the medic bus and they share a little smooch.  All 176 members of the 2nd Mass come to Jimmy’s funeral.  Weaver gives a very stirring speech.  He and Ben remain at the gravesite and Ben finally breaks down, showing Weaver his grief.  It’s good to see Ben acting like a human, and a kid, rather than a cold, alien-killing machine.  Weaver decides to take the 2nd Mass to Charleston, as if there was any other real choice to be made.  Ben is still at the gravesite when he is again paralyzed by Red-eye, but Hal interrupts before he can do much more than look at him.  Again, Ben refuses to admit that it is happening.
Red-eye and Ben

I’m really upset about the misuse of the Jimmy character.  I really liked the dynamic of a child soldier that Jimmy presented in the first few episodes of the show, especially since he was of the age that he should have been harnessed by the Skitters.  However the soldiers of the 2nd Mass treated him like an equal and he was.  His dynamic with Weaver was really interesting too.  Weaver treated him like a soldier, but also a little like a son.  By the middle of the season Jimmy had been relegated to hostage and “child in peril” duty, which really weakened his character.  I wish instead of being killed, Jimmy would just have been badly wounded and had to be taken out of active duty, like have him lose an arm or something.  Then he could have been used as a drill sergeant or something.  It would have been funny to see him training the kids of the 2nd Mass, like a tired old drill instructor, even though he was only 15 years old.  RIP Jimmy, you deserve better.

The other interesting plot turn was Avery Churchill and the Charleston government.  Mymissy thinks that she is a double agent, sent to bring people to the camps.  I suggested that she was being controlled by the Skitters, but she thinks she speaks too plainly to be being controlled.  However, I would think that ANYONE who shows up on the door of the 2nd Mass would at least be inspected for a harness.  With all of her long hair and bulky jacket, she could easily be wearing one.  I hope I’m wrong, but I just don’t expect any good luck for the people of the 2nd Mass anytime soon.  The Charleston plot at least gives them a sense of purpose.
The Hero Reveal of Avery Churchill

Grade:  The episode itself was pretty good.  I’m excited about the Charleston plot.  I’m sad about the death of the Jimmy character that never was.  I hope eventually Ben stops being a surly shit, but I’m not counting on it.  B-

Thanks to Three if by Space and Seriable for the pictures!

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